If you like magic, and are looking for a good read for an 8-to-12-year-old reader, let me recommend my book, The Fourth Wish. It was vetted by three different classes in the target age group, and most recently I heard a friend's grandson is reading it to his own class at school! The Fourth Wish can be ordered at: https://222.createspace.com/3353849 or through Amazon at:
If you like poetry, let me recommend the lovely poems from Swimming the Mirror, written by Brad Buchanan, a young man who recently joined the picture book group I belong to. These are poems to his three-year-old daughter and are utterly charming. They've been highly praised by Sacramento Poet Laureate, Julia Connor, and by poet Susan Kelly-DeWitt, among others. Swimming the Mirror is available through Roan Press. Poets with a book of their own to submit would be well-advised to visit the submission guidelines at http://www.roanpress.com/ .
And if you like cooking, as I do, try George Erdosh's fabulous new book, part food advice, part cookbook, Tried and True Recipes from a Caterer's Kitchen, available at these websites: Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1606931989
Barnes and Noble: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/9781606931981 and
Eloquent Books: http://www.eloquentbooks.com/TriedAndTrueRecipes.html . At Georges blog site, http://www.howfoodswork.blogspot.com/ , you can also get a delicious new recipe, along with food tips, nearly every day.