Monday, May 2, 2022

My Own Cozy News

 My other news is that my new cozy, Deadly Verse, will be released in June. The build up begins this month, but my publisher told me to feel free about splashing the cover around, so here you are:

Who is this man dressed up in Renaissance garb who looks like he is winking? Luís Vaz de Camões, a Portuguese renaissance poet and some say Portugal's greatest poet, who is famous for  Os Lusíadas, his  epic poem about Vasco da Gama's voyage to India. 

Why does he look like he's winking? He lost an eye when, as a soldier, he fought the Moors. As was not uncommon, back in the day, he was a soldier and wrote poetry. His sonnets are considered on a par with Shakespeare's, Dante's, etc.

What does Camões have to do with a cozy mystery? Well, someone in Braga, Portugal, claims to have an original manuscript of one of his sonnets, possession of which leaves a trail of death. And, you guessed it: Carla is a suspect. 

How the heck do you pronounce Camões? Hah! When the book comes out, you'll have to read it to find out. 😊

Gave you read any cozies lately? If you do enjoy cozies, do you prefer mysteries with a travel angle? Historic? Contemporary?


  1. Best of luck with the new book!

  2. Thanks, Vicki, I had a lot of fun writing this and have already started roughing out the next. How I wish I were close enough to take advantage of your workshops!

  3. Huge congratulations. Writers (of all genres) are my heroes.

  4. This sounds interesting. I like any and all cozies. They make the best mysteries and you don't have to wade through pages of unnecessary sex. I hope the book sells well, dear.

  5. Congratulations on your new book. Your productivity is pretty amazing and encouraging.

  6. E. C., I tend to agree with you. I love cozies, but I like MG/Ya, I like poetry, historical novels. I just love to read.

  7. Elizabeth and Bleubeard, thanks for the good wishes. I agree with you about unnecessary sex scenes. Also, I like cozies because you don't get the blood and gore that often goes with less cozy mysteries. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Richard! How great to hear from you again. I hope your writing and art are both going well. Thank you for the kind words. I often feel I'm not as productive as I should be (witness authors with 23-24 books etc.) But I do keep plugging along. Take care, and do stop by again.

  9. I do like a good cozy, and this is a good one. Congrats on your pub date!

  10. Thanks, Rosi! And thanks for all your good input.

  11. This sounds exciting, Elizabeth!

  12. Thanks, Sandra. I'll keep you posted when I know more about the release date.

  13. Very cool, Elizabeth. Is it released yet?

  14. Sandra, it almost is! The publisher is putting together a promotion video and the book is coming out in August as the final publishing date. I'll let you know when the video comes out and of course when the book comes out. Right now I'm in the throes of packing to move and seeing as much of the São João Festival as we can. Whew! What a festa!


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