Thursday, May 19, 2011

Busy With Rewrites for Contests

Apologies for the days of no posting.  I've been busy rewriting a mystery and a children's verse story to enter them in contests, as well as working on a travel article for a contest.

I'M ALMOST FINISHED, and I must say, there is nothing like a deadline to make one productive!

Tomorrow I will be reviewing a terrific new book by Chris Eboch, so come have a look.

Till then, happy writing -- and happy reading, too.  There's nothing like a good read to get those writing wheels turning again.


  1. Good luck with your contests! Happy Rewriting!

  2. I hope you place in both of the contests, Mitty; your beautiful writing is sure to wow the editors and all other judges.

  3. Good luck with the contests, Elizabeth. Hope you win.

  4. Michelle & Rachna, thanks, I have my fingers crossed. Or will when I send the 2nd one out. I"m also entering a travel-writing contest, just finishing up a rewrite of a short article. We'll see....

  5. Good luck with the contest! And I totally agree about a good read helping produce good writing in oneself.


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