Thursday, January 7, 2010

Passage to India

Today is probably my last blog for awhile, as tomorrow my husband and I are leaving for a three week trip to India. It's a family visit, but it will also include a class reunion of Rajan's graduating class from engineering college. We expect to be on the move quite a bit, as we have lots of relatives, and several of his college friends want to see him before the reunion. We will probably not have much access to the Internet.

We are taking a computer with us, though, so I can write up some blogs in advance. The main reason we're taking the computer is so that I can keep working on Granny's Jig. I'm at a good place in it (about two-thirds through this particular re-write) to stop and analyze it in terms of scenes, and tags, and the like, and to re-evaluate the ending.

I also will be taking lots of notes. India is so rich in history and culture. Earlier I wrote a picture book text for a little girl's trip to Rock Fort Temple in Tiruchirapali. We'll be going there, and I want to firm up a few details--as well as have the temple elephant "bless" me again by tapping me on the head with his trunk.

Meanwhile, I can't wait to see the family again. It's been just about 4 years since my last visit. Every time I go back, it feels just wonderful to be there.

So, ciao for now, and please tune in again next month, when I have a nice line-up of guest bloggers.


  1. Wow! Have a fabulous trip and I can't wait to read all about it when you come back! Be safe!

  2. Good luck with Granny's Jig, Mittie! I hope to see you in print soon. My new book is also out, check out my website: Come to my first book signing Feb 13


  3. Loved reading your Passage to India. Looking forward to details of your trip, your experiences, especially meeting up with your huband's batchmates. Since I was there hope to compare notes.


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